Monday, December 17, 2007

local history project

On April Fool's Day in 1987 there was a flood in Maine. It rained very hard then and warmed up melting the snow and ice . According to Dianan Bowley, of Bangor Daily News the rivers rose more than 20 feet in less than 19 hours. Governor McKernan declared a "State of Emergency", which allowed the Maine National Guard to help people who were affected. The best thing about the flood was that nobody died.

There was more than $100 million in damage in Maine. More than 2,100 homes were flooded. More than 215 homes were destroyed and 240 had major damage. Over 400 businsses were affected.

The two rivers that flooded the most were the Kennebec River and the Piscataquis River. Some communities had more than eight feet of water in their downtown areas. Other rivers flooded also, including the Sebasticook River that flows through Hartland. The river in Hartland rose and came close to destroying the Irving Tannery. Most people were without power and could not leave their homes because the roads were flooded or washed away. Some people had to be evacuated, but many did not want to leave their homes. They had to be convinced that they would be hurt if they did not leave.

The questions 1 What occurred when the flood hit? 2 How did the flood affect the town? 3 Did the flood have any kind of impact on you and your family?

Interview Peggy Morgan, Hartland Town Manger
1 What occurred when the flood hit? Some on the lake left there homes and went to relatives to stay until the water reseeded. The bog in the Pine Grove cemetry filled all the way to the back of hime on Canaan Road. 60 people were were evacuated from the water street, Noth Street and Commercial Street area and Town hall was set up with cots for these people. They were not allowed back into their himes until the water reseeded. For 3 days we had employees on 24 hours per day.

2 How did the flood affect the town? The dam broke. It was haning under the mill Street Bridge and a hole gullied all the way across the bridge and main steet. The floor ind the old fire station cracked. The pump stion at the treatment Plant and all the electrical wiring and pumps flooded. Many roads flooded, The Tannery flooded.

3 Did the flood have any kind of impact on you and your family? No. Only I was went and cold for 3 days.

Katherine Ramsdell , Hartland Public works
1 What occurred when the flood hit? When it was declaired a flood, a lot of families had to be evacuated from Water St. and Commerical St. and placed somewhere else The pulic work crew worked along with the departments in the evacuation. Water St. was completetly under water for many days. There was one garage that got moved some due to the high water, also aome were damaged.

2 How did the flood affect the town? The villagea was almost block off due to main St. bride being damaged from the flod, a portion of the roadway was washed away. Alsothe fie dept, flod was damaged due to the high water. The river was as high as the road it self so the floor took a beating.

3 Did the flood have any kind of impact on you and your family? The only impact was all the late hours we had to put in watching the river to make sure everyone got out safe. Alot off cold wet hours. We went a lot of flas light batteries that time.

Judy Turner, Hartland Resident

1 What occured when the flood hit? FEAR! People were rushing around to stores for food and supplies. They were nervous not knowing what to expect from the storm and it's flooding. Curious people went to the villiage to see the water levels. Amazing amount of water. Fear of the rumor that our dam may not hold up.

2 How did the flood effect the town? Hartland was divided, you were on one side of town you could not get to the other side. You couldn't even go out Pittsfield Ave. to go around to Palmyra and come in from rte 151. Roads were flooded by Ford Hill Road and then the bridge on route 2 was also being watched because of high water there.

3 Did the flood have any kind of impact on you and your family? Yes. Could not get to work in Newport because of the flooding. Could not get in touch with family members. Phones were either down or phone lines were over loaded.

Joyce Halford - Town Clerk - Hartland Resident
1 What occured when the flood hit? Rained for several days had been cold so a lot of ice formed on the rivers and ponds. Alot of water was moving down from ponds as the water was rising and the ice broke up causing it to jam and it flowed toward the upper dam, the dam couldn't hold it back and it broke causing the water to flow over the bridge and flood Water Street.

2 How did the flood effect the town? People on Water Street were evacuated as the water flooded all their homes. Some people thought a few houses might be washed away. You couldn't get from the west side of town to east side as the water had come over the bridge on Main Street causing some damage. They were worried at that time that the fire station was going to break from the foundation. Homes on Commercial Street were also damaged. Couldn't get to Pittsfield or Newport from the west side of town as roads were flooded. People had to go the other way which was also pretty bad and some times not passable.

3 Did the flood have any kind of impact on you and your family? We lived on the higher part of town, however the rain had been so severe that cellars were flooded. My daughter and husband working in Pittsfield had hard time getting home. She bought the last sump pump at a hardware store in Pittsfield so there cellar could be pumped out when they got home to save there furance and hot water tank.

More than 100 roads and bridges were closed during the flood. The Fairbanks Bridge, Route 149 bridge, and the Low's Covered Bridge were destroyed. Those roads were closed for many months or years after the flood.

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