Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Book Report #2


On November 1, 1941 the last Japanese boat called Taiyo Maro was able to land in Honolulu harbor as American and Japan had broken off trade relations. The FBI was there this day to double check passports and luggage as Americans thought that they might have spies go to the inland. They didn’t see anything out of order as the FBI left the pier there was four Japanese that let out a deep sigh of relief as they were japans navy spies that had posed as waiters, and bed makers. The four Japanese were under the order of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. They needed to report back to him airtraffice and fisherman boat traffic. As they were planning there route to attack the naval base in Pearl Harbor. They also had a spy named Kita that had been there taking pictures, names and routines that he handed over to them on the ship.

In Washington DC they had a machine called Purple that was a code breaker of communication of the Japanese. The US knew that Japan was planning a war that was going to be worse then what they did to China. President Franklin Roosevelt and his crew knew what was going on but they didn’t inform anyone including Admiral Husband Kimmel, in Hawaii. Many people didn’t realize that Japan had new aircrafts and better pilots. The Americans shut off Japan from everything oil, steel, raw goods. This happened on November 2, 1941. But Japan made treaties with Germany and Italy. Demands started between US and Japan, but they would not agree with each other. Thirty days before the attack President Roosevelt asked for an update and Secretary of state Cordell Hull said it was serious that Japan might attack anytime. They thought Japan would hit the Philippines or Malaya Bases not Pearl Harbor as it was to far away.

Pearl Harbor had aircraft carriers, cruises, destroyers and submarines. But the Navy suffered from lack of funds, old equipment and under trained people. The Admirals of Pearl Harbor Manila and Philippines were sent a message from the government that aid changes of negotiations very doubtful. That they think a surprise attack would be made towards Manila or Philippines. The Japanese have sent out submarines and cruisers making radio communications of wrong locations so they could confuse the US. Japans spy Yoshikawa was very busy telling them what US ships had left and what was in the Pearl Harbor Port.

On Friday, December 5th Washington heard on the Purple that Japanese instructed that the Japanese embassy should leave any American soil as soon as they could. Yoshilawa had one good look at Pearl Harbor to report what vessels were in or out of port. There were many telegraphs sent but never received or sent on time so the US was behind in communications. The first shot fired at 6:45 am on a submarine was a strong message of attack in the sea area, even planes were seen on radar but all ignored by the American people.

Complete surprise of attack had been achieved by the Japanese. They started bombing the different airfields and still Americans thought the navy was practicing even if it was Sunday a day of rest. Finally they realized they were under attack. They hit more then just Pearl Harbor. They blew up 33 planes at Ewe Marine Naval Base and were also going to attack at Hickam Field, Bellows and Kaneone. The ships parked at Pearl Harbor and hit was the Oklahoma, Arizona, California and the West Virginia. More then 400 men died on the Oklahoma and over 1000 on the Arizona. A short lull came. It gave the men a chance to get their guns and ammo ready for the return of the enemy. As they returned this time they started to shot back. In the end the Japanese had 324 planes return, they only lost 29 planes with 55 people killed. Pearl Harbor and the surrounding islands lost a total 2,403 people and more then 1,178 injured people.

The United States entered into World War II.

By Zack Frost

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