Monday, January 28, 2008

Wounded Knee

Wounded Knee illustrates one of the final events in a long series of violent conflicts motivated by racism, disrespect and lack of understanding. The first video is a about the battle at Wounded Knee. The second video is about the monument. The porgary is about have they was dog poop on the gave.

The Indians surrendered, showed the white flag, but the 7th Calvary were ready to fight. They took all of their weapons and kitchen supplies away from them, and even though they were unarmed and surrendered, they shot and killed the men. They told the women and children and any others that were hiding that it was safe to come out, but they shot them anyway. This action showed that the white people did not respect or understand the Indians way of life.

Also, in the video about the monument the white people left dog poop on the graves of the dead Indians. Many Indians were left just laying on the ground. The white people did not show any respect for them. I feel that it was terrible what happened to the Indians and that people should try to work out problems peacefully.

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